Keeps us Safe
Keeps us Healthy
Protects our Planet, Cosmos, Climate,
Environment, Fauna and Flora
Reduces Risk of harm and damage
Sustainably Safeguards our Livelihoods and Prosperity
Enables good Governance
Ensures Compliance
Prevents Crises
Saves us from Wasting resources, Time and Effort
Enables us to do the Right things Right the First time and All the time
Enables us to solve Problems, Learn, Improve and Excel at what we do
Is about meeting the Customer and related Requirements
Is everyone’s Right and Responsibility
Is everywhere, 24/7, and it knows no borders, boundaries, nationality, culture, age, gender, religion, ideology, status, wealth, poverty, educational level
Is not optional
Keeps everyone happy
Bio on
The incidents of catastrophic failures in all countries have shown that the state of quality in the world is in a crisis of pandemic levels, and not where it should be, and that the consequences of poor quality are damaging and very costly to humans, the planet, its fauna and flora.
The challenge is for all to work together to prevent such incidents of poor quality from recurring, turn the tide to improve quality on a sustained basis worldwide, and to achieve these quality objectives daily, and sooner rather than later.
The World Quality Forum, a not-for-profit platform, actively harnesses current and future efforts to bring together civil Society, its Governments and Industry to improve quality on a sustained basis across the globe. This objective is realised by increasing universal awareness, appreciation and support through education in matters of quality to improve maturity, culture, and by ensuring effective collaboration amongst all.
“Quality control starts and ends with education”
- Prof Kaoru Ishikawa
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Pres Nelson Mandela
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”
– Helen Keller
“Unity is strength… when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved”
– Mattie Stepanek
“Improvement begins with “I”
– Arnold H Glasow
“Continual improvement is an unending journey”
– Lloyd Dobens
Building on the 2023 event, this year’s 1 day, online and interactive conference provided an update to our Leaders of Quality with progress that has been achieved to conceptualize and launch the initiatives which were decided upon at that event, and to afford delegates with the opportunity to engage, appraise and get on board the transformation journey to place quality at the forefront.
Delegates were appraised of major milestones to implement our goal of elevating and entrenching Total Quality in Business, Governments and Society worldwide. The update included:
Dr Violet Makuku and Prof Roy Ramphal at the 2023 conference.